Females looking to go into Scuba diving should know these

Scuba diving is an exciting underwater sport that has evolved from being just competitive to an adventurous activity. This recreational sport allows individuals to explore the beauty of the underwater world and get up close with the marine world. Although, this sport is very common amongst males than females.

Even though this sport has more males involved in it, females are not restricted. Recently more women are beginning to take on the adventure that comes with scuba diving and it is interesting. On the other hand, women looking to go into scuba diving need to get informed and prepared before they start this adventure. Here are things females looking to go into Scuba diving should know.


  • Don't listen to horror stories: One important thing females should avoid when looking to go into scuba diving is horror stories. These stories will only breed fear and can end up killing your determination and zeal to try the sport. Going into scuba diving with an open mind gives you the advantage to learn quicker and get better at it.
  • Chose a good diving center to start your diving lessons: As a beginner, you need professionals and experts to guide you to becoming good at scuba diving. A good diving center will always prioritize your safety and make the whole learning process easy and fun.
  • Don't buy diving gear until you know you LIKE diving and will go again: Buying your diving gear might show that you are very interested in the sports but is not advised. Until you have had your diving experience and still feel like going, again and again, you might want to stick to renting diving gears. Diving gears are expensive, so you would not want to acquire them until you are certain you’d go again. Renting is a bad idea after all.
  • Try to go diving in a group or with friends: As a learner, it is important to start diving in a group or with your friends. Diving in a group helps reduce the tension as a beginner and also makes the experience more interesting.
  • Pick diving spots with visibility and learn about the site before diving: Another vital diving tip for female beginners is picking diving sport with visibility and learning about the diving spot. This information makes you completely aware of the environment where you are diving and makes you comfortable.
  • If you cover your hair as we do: Covering your hair while diving is possible, but the wrong material might ruin your diving experience. Make sure whatever you are using to cover your hair will be suitable for diving. Your instructor can guide you on this.

With this information, you can start your journey as a female diver and explore the underwater world. If anything is stopping you from becoming a female scuba diver, then it’s you. Make up your mind today and take on this interesting adventure.

How to Prevent and Cure Sea Sickness

Seasickness is no fun and it can ruin a a diving adventure. While no single method works for all I am sure you will find something in this blog that will help you prevent and cure your seasickness.

Scientist don’t really have a clear idea on what causes sea sickness, but we have put together a few points that might help.


The cure for sea sickness is DRY LAND

But we can find a prevantive matters to help you:

1) Good Night Sleep
- If you are tired and stressed you are much more likely to have problems get a good night sleep the night before.

2) Don’t drink coffee
- Caffeine causes an increase in the production of urine and thereby dehydration. Caffeine should usually be avoided for several hours before diving.

3) Don’t have an empty stomach
- eat something light
- Stay away from greasy food
- Eat something with carbohydrates (Oats, bananas, Oranges, Blueberries, Apples, pretzels)

4) The pressure point bracelet
- Some people thing it works

5) Ginger Pills
- Ginger candy and pills work well to some people

6) Pharmaecetuical
- Find a non-drowsy version of motion sickness pills.
- There are many options that make you sleepy, which isnt helpful if you are going to scuba dive!

7) Ear plugs
- Air tight so they block the sound of the air, put it in one ear only. So it works.
- Best tip: if you are left handed, but the air plug in your right ear, if you are right handed put it in the opposite ear. Try it and let us know if it works for you.

8) Sit on the low side of the boat
- Don’t sit facing backwards, face the direction of travel.

9) Breathing exercise
- Take a deep Breath from the nose and out through pursed lips

10) Look to the horizon
- Hold your eyes on the horizon and allow your body to naturally stay perpendicular to that point
- Avoid focusing on your phone or something moving

11) Sea legs
- Going opposite way the waves are rocking. This stops you from getting rocked by the waves and shaking your stomach. When the boat goes up on your right side first lean into the wave, when it goes down the other side to your left side, lean into the wave again.


Happy Diving!
Abu Dhabi Female Divers Team


Underwater Photographer of the Year! See the Results

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Discovering the Marine Symphony: Scuba Diving in Musandam's Coral Gardens and Dolphin Dance

Welcome to the enchanting waters of Musandam, a breathtaking peninsula situated in the Sultanate of Oman. Known for its stunning fjords, pristine beaches, and abundant marine life, Musandam offers scuba diving enthusiasts an unparalleled opportunity to explore vibrant coral gardens and witness the awe-inspiring dance of dolphins. Join me on an underwater adventure as we delve into the magical world beneath the surface of Musandam's waters.

Immersed in the Coral Gardens:
As I descended into the crystal-clear waters of Musandam, I found myself immersed in a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. The vibrant coral gardens that adorn the seabed are a testament to the region's rich biodiversity. From delicate branching corals to massive brain corals, the underwater landscape is teeming with life. Exploring these underwater gardens is like stepping into an underwater wonderland, where every nook and cranny holds hidden treasures and fascinating marine creatures.
The Diversity of Marine Life:
Musandam's waters are home to an incredible diversity of marine life, thanks to the rich currents and nutrient-rich waters. While diving among the corals, I encountered an array of captivating marine creatures. Colorful reef fish darted through the corals, while graceful sea turtles glided effortlessly above. Moray eels peeked out from crevices, and schools of vibrant parrotfish added to the vibrant tapestry of underwater life. Every moment was a reminder of the delicate balance and interconnectedness of these underwater ecosystems.
A Magical Encounter: The Dance of Dolphins:
One of the highlights of my scuba diving experience in Musandam was the mesmerizing encounter with dolphins. These intelligent and playful creatures are known to frequent the waters of Musandam, delighting divers with their acrobatic displays. As if choreographed by nature itself, pods of dolphins gracefully glided through the water, leaping and somersaulting with seemingly boundless energy. Witnessing their joyful dance left me in awe, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Conservation and Responsible Diving:
It is important to approach scuba diving in Musandam with a sense of responsibility and conservation in mind. As visitors, we must prioritize the protection of the fragile coral reefs and marine ecosystems. By following sustainable diving practices, such as not touching or damaging corals, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals, and supporting local marine conservation initiatives, we can contribute to the preservation of Musandam's pristine waters for future generations.
Scuba diving in Musandam offers a captivating journey into a world of vibrant corals, diverse marine life, and the enchanting dance of dolphins. The awe-inspiring beauty of the coral gardens and the joyful presence of dolphins create an unforgettable symphony of nature's wonders. Let us cherish and protect these extraordinary marine habitats, ensuring that future generations can continue to experience the magic of Musandam's underwater realm. So, put on your diving gear and embark on an adventure that will leave you with a deep appreciation for the breathtaking wonders of the ocean.


Written by Sindiya Ibrahim


Exploring the Wonders of Fujairah: Encounters with Little Sharks

Welcome to the breathtaking shores of Fujairah, a hidden gem nestled along the eastern coast of the United Arab Emirates. Known for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, Fujairah offers scuba diving enthusiasts a chance to immerse themselves in a world teeming with marine life. Among the fascinating creatures that inhabit these waters are the little sharks, which captivate divers with their charm and unique characteristics. Join me on an underwater adventure as we dive into the realm of these remarkable creatures.

Unveiling the Little Sharks:
As I ventured into the depths of the Fujairah shores, I was privileged to encounter the mesmerizing little sharks. These small shark species, including the blacktip reef sharks, bamboo sharks, and cat sharks, inhabit the coastal areas and shallow reefs. Despite their diminutive size, ranging from one to four feet in length, these sharks possess an undeniable aura of elegance and grace.
The Blacktip Reef Sharks:
One of the most common species of little sharks found in Fujairah is the blacktip reef shark. With their distinctive black-tipped fins, these sharks are easily recognizable. I was fortunate enough to witness their sleek movements as they gracefully patrolled the coral reefs. Their inquisitive nature and agile swimming patterns make them a delight to observe, providing ample opportunities for underwater photographers to capture their beauty.
The Bamboo Sharks:
Another enchanting species encountered during my dive were the bamboo sharks. These docile creatures possess a unique appearance, with long, slender bodies and mesmerizing patterns on their skin. Unlike some other shark species, bamboo sharks are predominantly bottom-dwellers, camouflaging themselves amidst the sandy ocean floor. Their calm and unhurried nature provided me with the perfect opportunity to observe their behaviors up close.
The Cat Sharks:
Fujairah's coastal waters are also home to the intriguing cat sharks. These small sharks derive their name from their elongated, cat-like eyes. Their nocturnal nature makes them more elusive during the daytime; however, with careful planning and the guidance of expert dive instructors, I was fortunate to witness their fascinating behavior during a night dive. These solitary hunters come to life under the cover of darkness, providing a truly awe-inspiring experience.
Conservation Efforts:
It is essential to understand the importance of preserving these little sharks and their fragile ecosystems. While they may not pose a threat to humans, their populations are vulnerable due to habitat degradation, pollution, and overfishing. Responsible diving practices, such as not touching or feeding the sharks, respecting their space, and supporting local conservation initiatives, are crucial in ensuring their survival for generations to come.
Scuba diving along the shores of Fujairah offers a unique opportunity to witness the beauty of little sharks in their natural habitat. From the elegance of the blacktip reef sharks to the intriguing characteristics of bamboo sharks and the mystique of cat sharks, these underwater encounters leave an indelible mark on any diver's heart. Let us treasure and protect these remarkable creatures, ensuring that future generations can continue to experience the wonder of exploring the oceans and encountering these fascinating little sharks.


Written by Sindiya Ibrahim